Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bought EK yesterday

4.70$ a share. I want my capital+profit in 3-4 weeks. Currently, I am on the north side for all my shares:) But, after the markets correct itself, which means DJI at 10500, a great surge "might" happen.

In his 2009 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders,  Warren Buffett made the following statement,

"Investors should be skeptical of history-based models. Constructed by a nerdy-sounding priesthood using esoteric terms such as beta, gamma, sigma and the like, these models tend to look impressive. Too often, though, investors forget to examine the assumptions behind the symbols. Our advice: Beware of geeks bearing formulas."

With all my respect to Buffett, I believe that in the following 20-30 years Forbes' richest people list will be full of geeks using formulas. If you are asking yourself "But why is that?" please leave my blog!

The stocks I currently have (check the date from blog), and their buying per share prices are;

  • MI (Marshall & Ilsley Corporation): 6.01$
  • X (United States Steel Corporation): 48.04$
  • EK (Eastman Kodak Company): 4.70$

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sold DNR today

I sold DNR for 19.36$ a share. 5.3% profit.

The stocks I currently have (check the date from blog), and their buying per share prices are;
  • MI (Marshall & Ilsley Corporation): 6.01$
  • X (United States Steel Corporation): 48.04$

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bought X today

48.04$ a share. I want my capital+profit in 3-4 weeks! :)

The stocks I currently have (check the date from blog), and their buying per share prices are;

  • MI (Marshall & Ilsley Corporation): 6.01$
  • DNR (Denbury Resources Inc.): 18.38$
  • X (United States Steel Corporation): 48.04$

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sold ODP today

I sold ODP for 4.69$ a share. 5% fast profit. Bought some DNR for 18.38$ a share. I expect my cut in 2-3 weeks.

I still have MI, and it has started to touch my nerves! It is simply not doing it right. Well, patience is the key in this game, I will let it float some more. There will be a party when I manage to profit out of this dumb stock.

The stocks I currently have (check the date from blog), and their buying per share prices are;
  • MI (Marshall & Ilsley Corporation): $6.01
  • DNR (Denbury Resources Inc.) $18.38

My portfolio growth for the last 3 months. I got this image from Wikinvest account of mine, hope they add an embed feature soon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bought ODP today

I got some ODP today for 4.47$ a share. Looking forward to cash it in 2-3 weeks: grade-A investment :)

Btw, MI looks awful so far. It is ok, no reason to worry about it currently. It is shaking up the "week hands". I assume that everybody knows what the "week hands" mean...